The Boss
Michael Bell
Mike is the face of Driven Worldwide. As CEO, his easy smile and sense of fun belie a steely determination to deliver the best business class car service in the world.

The Fixer
Derya Iljazi
Derya is on the frontline finessing roadshow itineraries and making sure all client needs are met. There is no problem big or small that Derya hasn't seen before and can't handle.

The Balancer
Matilda Ojo
Matilda settles the score from a finance perspective. She runs a tight ship ensuring client invoices are sent and supplier invoices are paid with 48 hours of a service.

The Brains
Steve Morris
Steve is the brains of the operation. As co-owner and CTO he has developed the proprietary software that delivers the streamlined operations clients rely on.

The Pricer
Nicola Hall
Nicola works the numbers using ingrained commercial nous and attention to detail to ensure a consistent win-win for clients, chauffeurs and the business. Every time.

The Engine
James Decarte
James heads up global operations travelling between Europe, the US and Asia meeting new and existing suppliers, and ensuring the Driven Worldwide engine keeps purring.

The Field Marshall
Linda Di Felice
Linda is a key player in the conferences and events team managing chauffeurs for events and leading the team on site to ensure delegates and drivers are exactly where they need to be.

The Godfather
David Adelman
Dave knows his way around this business. He is the elder statesman of chauffeuring for high end business. He has a knack for knowing what clients need and building strong trusting relationships.

The Controller
Daniel Milner
Dan fine tunes operations. He's the pivotal point between project managers, clients and chauffeurs, making sure nothing is left to chance when the rubber hits the road.

The Ace
Katie Wong
Katie runs the Asia Pacific office coordinating projects across the region. Her head may be in Melbourne in the morning, Mumbai by midday and Tokyo at teatime.

The Charmer
Emily Rivera
Emily works her magic with clients across South America, the USA and Canada, ensuring travel managers in energy, global banking and manufacturing are always left smiling.

The Captain
Olivier Cheung
Olivier is the operational team leader in the Asia Pacific office. With her ability juggle many projects, she is the rock upon which the team in Hong Kong relies for guidance.

The Problem Solver
Grace Lam
No request is too difficult for the unflappable Grace who calmly responds to clients needs, finds chauffeurs speaking different languages and makes clients feel in control.

The Roadshow Wizard
Florence Wong
Florence coordinates roadshows in the region accommodating clients with complex itineraries, and finding chauffeurs that give passengers complete confidence.